Stay, Steam & Bathe at the Most Incredible Spa on Earth! 


The Kingdom of Heaven in Hawaii

If you seek a most memorable and powerful renewing, healing, and learning experience, reserve your reasonably-priced accommodations and spa experience at the Kingdom of Heaven in Hawaii now by calling 808-965-2112, or booking your reservation online through

This steamy private Jurassic Park-like wonderland in tropical paradise invites you or your group to experience nearly instant relief from aches and pains, disappearance of stresses and strains, rapid recovery, rejuvenation and natural healing, as soon as you begin to breathe the "Breath-of-the-Earth" in one of our lava-heated steam saunas, or while bathing in one of our chemical-free geothermally-warmed pools.

The Kingdom of Heaven in Hawaii is overseen by world renowned natural healing expert, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, whose pioneering achievements in water science, electro-genetics, and “musical mathematics” is applied here in paradise to promote natural healing, aquaculture, permaculture, GMO-free nutrition, and sustainable living.

Experience Heaven on Earth

Come learn how remarkable sustainable living and natural healing can be.

You may think our title--Kingdom of Heaven--is presumptuous, but these divine surroundings, our educational mission, and visitors’ testimonies justify this special tribute to this sacred “aine.”

If you don’t believe recovery can happen for you here very quickly, even miraculously, “on earth as it is in heaven,” try us for a night or two. Most people feel the “energy” or “spirit” of this holy place so profoundly, nearly instantly, sometimes “explosively,” because anything that violates the peace, harmony, and tranquility of this sacred sanctuary is “purged” immediately, often intensely, including patterns of psychological, social, and emotional distress.

Do you have a chronic ache, pain or distressing pattern in your life? Do this exercise. Deep breathe lying on your back or stretching in one of our lava-heated steam saunas. Add a faithful prayer. People who do commonly feel their spine realign--pop, pop--and pains disappear. Others begin emotionally distressed and finish completely relaxed--like a “new person.” 

The Big Island of Hawaii is, in fact, famous for such amazing happenings, awesome explorations, and miraculous recoveries.  A few miles away is the “back door” to Volcanoes National Park, where lava flows regularly into the Pacific Ocean. The local fire goddess Pele is known for her intense “purgative and restorative energy.” She demonstrates this regularly, volcanically and eruptively, creating new soil by each act from which paradise grows.

Unsurpassed Natural Beauty & Healing Sanctuary

”This most profound healing and rejuvenating energy vibrates most abundantly on this sacred sanctuary,” Dr. Horowitz explains. “Because you are breathing lava-heated steam more than anyone else on earth. This ‘Ha,’ or breath-of-life, transmits the essence of the ALOHA energy. it is through oxygen in the air we breathe that “electrons of LOVE” vibrating at 528 frequency are transmitted. The air actually resonates most powerfully here in 528nm/hz frequencies of sound and light than anywhere on earth; due to the lava-heated steam in the air and greenish-yellow vibration of chlorophyll in plants all around us. This combination of natural resources fills the air with the “universal healer”--pure LOVE--the “Holy Spirit of the Creator” that does all the healing and sustaining miraculously. This is abundantly evident on this sacred land, always delivering the miracles of natural healing, rejuvenation, and hastened recovery.”  (Click here to view a brief YouTube clip.)

Are you worthy of celebrating the Aloha Spirit in paradise....

We look forward to serving you at our day spa, or accommodating you as our overnight guest.

Kingdom of Heaven

Operated by Medical Veritas International, Inc.

A 501(c)3 non-profit educational corporation, operating by your tax-deductible contributions.

13-3775 Pahoa-Kalapana Road,
Pahoa, Hawaii 96778


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Site Design by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz. All rights reserved.


Big Island (Pahoa) Hawaii

Lava-heated Steam Saunas, Spa, and Sacred Santuary for Renewal

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